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Автор: S.S.Berdiyev, F.K.Achilova |
26.04.2017 10:38 |
ENGLISH BY SKYPE: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE METHOD S.S.Berdiyev, F.K.Achilova Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information
Technologies, Republic of Uzbekistan Modern man does not always have time to attend a foreign language course. Innovative technologies allow you to tighten your knowledge without leaving home. Many people prefer to learn English by Skype. Is this approach effective? What points to pay attention to? Find answers to your questions right now. How are the lessons on Skype? Teacher and student agree in advance a convenient schedule of classes and call up at a certain time. The length of the lesson varies depending on the age, employment, preferences of the student. The best option is 1-1.5 hours 3 times a week. While preparing for exams, you can practice more often, but do not forget about rest: overloads will have a bad effect on the results. In most schools, English is taught by Skype in the
following way: • The student reads the text offered by the teacher.
With the help of special programs, the passage is automatically displayed on
the screen. During the reading, the teacher pays attention to pronunciation. • Then the interlocutors discuss what they read. The
teacher can offer the student to translate the material. Current grammatical
topics are considered, new words are studied. • An experienced teacher leaves time for free
conversation. Studying English by Skype, you primarily develop oral skills,
learn to better perceive the speech of the interlocutor by ear. • At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives a homework assignment. During the lesson on Skype, it is impossible to consider all the grammatical material, so to get a positive result you need to work hard yourself. The completed tasks are sent to the teacher for verification by mail. This is only an exemplary scheme of working with students on Skype: English tutors choose different methods. A virtual interactive whiteboard can be a good help. For effective practice, many teachers organize group conferences with several students. The advantages of learning English by Skype Learning a foreign language in a virtual mode has the
following advantages: • Saves time and money spent on travel. • Reduced the likelihood of being late. Time is spent
more efficiently. • Convenient option for people leading an active
lifestyle. If the standard schedule does not suit you, you can agree with the
teacher about the occupation late at night, at night, in the early morning. • Lack of territorial restrictions. If you want, you
can find a teacher - a native speaker (but he must have a linguistic
education). A large selection of offers will also help save money. • Individual approach of the teacher. In most cases,
English by Skype is studiedtete-a-tete. The teacher does not have to pay attention
to different people. The best option is individual lessons with periodic group
conferences. • In most cases, schools provide all the teaching
materials. Since the tasks must be performed in electronic format, the teacher
will necessarily send the necessary textbooks, notebooks, etc. • The ability to quickly get advice. Having problems
with your homework? Just call the Skype teacher and ask a question. • Closer contact. It is noticed that in the online
classes students are more liberated, behave more naturally. Who can learn English by Skype? This is a fairly good solution for middle school students, students, adults, who have at least a minimum level of knowledge. LITERATURE [1] O‘zbekiston Respublikasining
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S.K. Kompyuter savodxonligi.Т. «Fan», 2006. [3] Aripov
M.M., Muxammadiyev J.U. Informatika. Informatsion texnologiyalar. Darslik,
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O., Zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari. Toshkent, 1999. [5] http://ziyonet.uz/ - Axborot ta’lim tarmog‘i |
Обновлено 26.04.2017 10:40 |